Have an upcoming Fair Lending examination? Make sure your bank is ready. Meet the examiners head-on, with confidence, by attending our webinar: Fair Lending – Steps to Avoid a Disaster in Your Next Exam.
This Young & Associates webinar covers examiner expectations for fair lending policies and procedures. We also review:
You want your bank to be prepared for a Fair Lending examination. Young & Associates has vast experience with Fair Lending regulations and offers fair lending reviews and risk assessments, as well as comprehensive lending and loan review services.
Sharon Bond is a consultant in the compliance department at Young & Associates, where she specializes in consumer compliance. Sharon leads compliance seminars and conducts compliance reviews and in-house training. She also writes compliance articles and training materials.
With over 30 years of industry experience, Sharon has a strong background in mortgage lending and in federal consumer compliance laws and regulations. Sharon was an Associate National Bank Examiner with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) for five years and holds the designation of Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager (CRCM).
When: July 24, 2023, 3 – 4 p.m. E.S.T.
Who is it for: This webinar is designed for bank lenders, processors, management, compliance officers, CRA officers and internal auditors.
Price: $249 per webinar hook-up
Are you registering as a group? Individuals should be registered separately. For assistance with group registrations, please contact Karen Hevesi at [email protected] or 330-422-3479.
Get ready for your next Fair Lending exam with our webinar that covers everything you need to know to excel. Your team will have the knowledge base they need regarding fair lending regulations, practices and procedures.
Young & Associates is a national leader in financial institution consulting, outsourcing and education. We provide trusted expertise you need to manage risk, stay compliant and position for growth and profitability. Find out more about Young and Associates.