By: Debra Werschey, Consultant and Manager of Secondary Market Services
In determining whether there is a significant defect on a loan, the quality control reviewer must give due consideration to the severity of the defect. In addition, the defect must relate but not be limited to one of the following:
1. The underwriting of the borrower’s creditworthiness and capacity. This would entail the borrower’s income, credit, liabilities, and assets.
2. The borrower’s eligibility and qualification. Things to consider are the area median income, first time home-buyer status, and status as lawfully present in the United States.
3. The underwriting criteria related to property or project eligibility. Is the property for residential use or condo eligible?
4. The property appraisal or the physical condition of the property. A close examination of the property appraisal is required. Are the comparable sales similar to the subject?
5. The loan and product terms and criteria. Criteria such as LTV ratio, occupancy, credit score, and loan purpose must be reviewed. The terms for ineligible transaction types, products that may require special lender approval as a prerequisite for delivery, limitations on cash out to borrowers that determines the type of refinance, and any negotiated exception or variance must be considered.
6. The requirements applicable at the time of loan purchase. This would include making sure that there are no defaults, all taxes and insurance premiums have been paid or escrows established, and no modification, encumbrance, subordination, or release of mortgage has occurred.
7. The existence, sufficiency, or enforceability of any required insurance or guaranty. The property must have sufficient hazard insurance coverage in place.
8. The form and/or execution of required loan documents that without which made the loan ineligible for sale or limit the enforceability of the required loan terms. The file must contain the Uniform Residential Loan Application,
any power of attorney used, and any nonstandard and special purpose documents such as living trusts.
All of the above factors and more should be taken into consideration when a reviewer is completing a post-closing quality control review to identify defects. Young & Associates, Inc. is a trusted provider of mortgage quality control reviews and can assist your bank in this area. For more information on our quality control services, contact me at 1.800.525.9775 or click here to send an email.