Upcoming Webinars

March 28, 2023

The most important investment a financial institution can make is in the training of its employees. Young & Associates is a national leader in continuing education and training programs for financial professionals.

Upcoming Webinars in 2023

Date                                      Topic

April 28                                1071 Rule Changes

May 15                                  Regulation E – Who is Responsible When Things Go Wrong

June 26                                Mistakes to Avoid on Loan Estimates

July 24                                  Fair Lending Disasters

September 18                     BSA for New Employees

November 20                      SAR Disasters

December 4                        Avoiding CTR Errors

With years of experience, our consultants offer an unmatched level of real-world expertise across a variety of educational topics including lending and underwriting, regulatory compliance, director development and more. For more information, click here.

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